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What is Waseda International Festival?

    Waseda services 2000 international students, the most in any university in Japan. However, despite the numbers, many local students find that since these students study in buildings 19 and 22, which are at the edge of the Nishi-Waseda Campus, they rarely have a chance to meet or communicate with these students. This is especially so for the students studying in the other Waseda Campuses.
    WIF, under the banner of 'togetherness', invites both international students and local students to come together to create a festival which celebrates the world as a whole. From the interactive booths to the various performances, WIF aims to show the different cultures of the world in an international environment. The booths allow people to exchange languages and information about different countries, while the performances will show the various dances and arts, reflective of the various cultures.
    Those who join as performers will have the chance to not only learn a country's arts, but also make friends with the other performers, many of whom come from different countries. Those who join as staff for the booths have their chance to share languages and ideas, to accurately express a country's culture.
    WIF's main concept is the friendship and memories created between people from different countries, and we hope to maintain all of it, even after members have gone back to their home countries. We hope that, with the objective of creating this 'borderless festival', these memories and bonds of friendship can be created.

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